
Crappy Tips for Survival Sanitation

Crappy Tips for Survival Sanitation

Posted by Harry Weyandt on Mar 23rd 2020

Crappy Tips for Survival SanitationHarry WeyandtBy Harry R Weyandt, Nitro-Pak.Com Preparedness ExpertHere is a crappy subject that most of us avoid thinking about or discussing…emergency sanitation ne … read more
Crayon Candle

Crayon Candle

Posted by Nitro-Pak on Mar 23rd 2020

Crayons = your next survival hack.Ok, let me explain. If you have kids, or know anyone who does, there is probably an overabundance of crayons lying around the house. Believe it or not, you can use a … read more
Home Preparedness Checklist

Home Preparedness Checklist

Posted by Nitro-Pak on Feb 22nd 2020

EARTHQUAKE  TORNADO  HURRICANE  WINTER STORMS  FIRE  FLASH FLOODEmergency Preparedness ChecklistDownload this as a PDF Home Preparedness Check List  What to Include in a ‘Home Prep … read more
72 Hour Kit Emergency Checklist Nitro-Pak Can Help

72 Hour Kit Emergency Checklist Nitro-Pak Can Help

Posted by Nitro-Pak on Feb 22nd 2020

EARTHQUAKE  TORNADO  HURRICANE  WINTER STORMS  FIRE  FLASH FLOODEmergency Preparedness ChecklistDownload this as a PDF 72 Hour ChecklistWhat to Include in a 72 Hour Survival Kit /  ‘Bug … read more
What Are the Best Foods for Long-Term Storage?

What Are the Best Foods for Long-Term Storage?

Posted by Jeremy Knauff on Feb 22nd 2020

What Are the Best Foods for Long-Term Storage?Food storage is the foundation of any preparedness plan. For a lot of people, it can be overwhelming. Where do you start? What do you need? Where are you … read more
Water Quality

Water Quality

Posted by Nitro-Pak on Feb 22nd 2020

The World Health Organization (WHO) attributes 80% of all travel diseases to contaminated drinking water. Don’t let contaminated drinking water spoil your trip. Avoid tap water and ice cubes anytime t … read more